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In 2016 over 30,000 children visited the emergency room due to a furniture or television tip-over accident. About 33 of those accidents resulted in the death of a child.

Our daughter was one of them.

Our Mission

It is our mission to educate, inspire and motivate parents to secure furniture and prevent tip-over injuries.

At HarperSmiles Inc., we are dedicated to spreading awareness about child safety hazards both inside and outside of the home, especially with furniture tip-over prevention.  We are committed to educating families and caregivers as well as providing proper installation and usage information for appropriate safety devices. We also provide personal and financial support for families who have endured unimaginable tragedies, in hopes of helping them through their suffering.  

About & Subscribe
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Click Here for a list of Consumer Product Safety Commissions product safety recalls.

"Because a safe home is a happy home."

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